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Corbett and Bandavgarh seeking the Royal Bengal tiger

(11 nights and 12 days) Wildlife Sanctuary of India
  • Two famous wild life sanctuary of India with complete different ambiance.
  • Bandavgargh is famous for its tiger sighting.
  • Corbet is famous for its natural beauty as it is in the Himalayan foothills.
  • Visit India's most famous icon, the Taj Mahal.

Season: October to May. Best Season: March to May.

Tour Type: Adventure. Accommodation: Jungle lodge, very basic in Corbet.
Transportation: Air conditioned vehicles. Safari: Two safaris per day.

Itinerary: D1. Arrive Delhi D2. Delhi ~ Jabalpur (flight) ~ Bandavgarh D3. Bandhavgarh D4. Bandhavgarh D5. Bandhavgarh ~ Agra (night train) D6. Agra D7. Agra ~ Lalkuan (night train) D8. Corbett D9. Corbett D10. Corbett ~ Delhi (night train) D11. Delhi D12. Delhi transfer to the airport D13. Flyout

Today India has more than 70 national parks and 330 sanctuaries, some occupying up to 3000 square kilometers of land. As this tour is dedicated to the Royal Bengal Tiger, you will visit two of India's national parks most famous for their tiger sightings.

Bandhavgargh is situated in the central region of India. There are more than 60 tigers here and it is said that "only the unlucky can't see the tiger", unlike other national reserves where the tigers can be shy. There are also many other animals including leopards, sloth bears, Gaur (Indian bison) and different kinds of deer and antelope.

Corbett National Park is nestled in the Himalayan foothills, in a state called Uttaranchal in Northern India. It covers an area of 521 square kilometers and neighbors another sanctuary of 1288 square kilometers. It's location between the Himalayas and the Terai, means Corbet National Park has a fascinating array of landscape and wildlife. It is a region of extremes - wet and dry, mountainous and plain, gentle and rugged, forest and grassland. The park is home to numerous plant and animal species from both the plains and the Himalayas. The most famous of Corbet's residents is the Bengal Tiger and the Asiatic Elephant however the park is also one of the richest bird regions of India, with more than 600 different bird species.

Corbett bears the name of the famous author and naturalist, Jim Corbet who was born in 1875 and lived in Kaladhungi, where his home has been made into a museum dedicated to his life. His writings have fascinated generations of wildlife enthusiasts. The area in which Corbet National park now lies, was home to his exciting wilderness adventures and man-hunter expeditions.

Note: We design only tailor-made tours, using our years of knowledge to create experiences that exceed expectations. It is a time consuming and specialized process, accordingly our prices reflect this personalized service. If you have a program from another agent that you’re happy with, please do not contact us to compare rates.